Well I started off this blog with a few snarky remarks about intelligence and my own self-worth and immaculate taste. That's just how I roll. At the time I put this blog up I hadn't really thought through what I wanted to say. That's another fairly typical example of my behavior; Speaking before I think it all the way through. I suspect that over the next couple weeks and months I'll become, in various intervals, even more or less certain about what is important to talk about. But for now at least I'm gonna try to focus.
There really isn't enough said about the titanic achievements of the Western Mass music scene over the last 10 years. I got to be there on stage and in the crowd for a lot of those moments. I think there should be a place where people can go to see who's who and what happened when. For many people music helps to define and memorialize time periods. Some people remark about how certain smells "take them back". I tend to have that experience with sounds. So I'm gonna take some time to introduce the blogisphere to some of the area's best talents and showcase the bands and the events that made growing up in the 413 special for me. I hope you like it.
I'm gonna focus on reviewing and or commenting on one graphic novel every week. This wont always be new stuff. I don't buy a whole lot of comics these days but there are many stories that deserve a serious analysis from someone who can articulate how the comic book medium creates amazing stories and artwork without a condescending tone and without simply gushing hyperbole all over the bandwidth. Artists and writers such as Alan Moore, Tim Sale, Frank Miller, Jim Lee, Todd McFarlane and others deserve representation. You might not realize how many comic book artist's work you are already familiar with due to their contributions to film over the last 10 or so years. A greater understanding of the origins of their work and the stories that helped shape the movies we love such as The Dark Knight, Spider-Man, Sin City is a good thing. Belee' Dat.
So there it is. My goal is to put the spotlight on some local music and put some people's names out there in a way that shows the love they deserve. The rest of the time I'll spending promoting the heck out of overly stylized upcoming blockbusters. Its much to my utter amusement that the stories I spent my pre-teen an adolescent years reading and looking it have now become the darlings of major production studios.
Anyways whatever I wax, I'ma wax intellectual.
"If we can't learn to live together, we're gonna die alone"
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
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Most of the Science Fiction Vehicles in the known multiverse TO RELATIVE SCALE
Art - It Comes in Many Shapes
PANDORA's BOX - Some of what I'm Listening to..
Showing some of my most recent Pandora Station Selections. If you want a serious 90's hip-hop "fire-and-forget" party mix, I always recommend "Black Sheep Radio"
1 comment:
snarky, eh?
"Then the bowsprit got mixed with the rudder sometimes:
A thing, as the Bellman remarked,
That frequently happens in tropical climes,
When a vessel is, so to speak, “snarked.” "
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