
"If we can't learn to live together, we're gonna die alone"

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Concept Art for Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome

If this shows us anything it's that BSG:B&C is gonna be about action in a way that Caprica wasn't (probably ultimately what made Caprica so short-lived). A quick g-search will reveal to you the stars of the pilot featuring the new incarnation of William Adama (which I don't like) and a commanding officer named Coker that he will report to... which I'm fine with.

Umm, guys, they did this it was called Empire?..
The casting means nothing to me really, these pictures speak 1000 more words.

This post is for Jake. I want Blood and Chrome to be as amazing as he does.


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Showing some of my most recent Pandora Station Selections. If you want a serious 90's hip-hop "fire-and-forget" party mix, I always recommend "Black Sheep Radio"